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Friday, February 7, 2020


noble  opal 
raw opal
Opal is a crystal structure that shines in many colors
silicic acid gel. the most famous varieties are rose opal, fire opal, milk opal, water opal, chrysopal, green opal, glass opal.
Delicate vibration, sensitive to creativity.
It used to be called a wonder stone, it was called the stone of shamans, magicians.
The healing effects of opal:
      It has good effects on the entire human skeleton, leukemia, liver, pineal gland, plasma, red and white blood cells.
It helps people with depression, lethargy, fear and mood swings.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Smokey Quartz

Smoky quartz also known as smokey quartz,
the very dark stone in English is called morion.
The quartz is a dark-colored, large-crystalline version with a tan, brown, smoke gray or black color.
Many times the stone becomes yellow by burning and is then marketed as topaz.
It is a mineral widely used in crystalline medicine. The abdomen is the hips
and effective against leg disorders.Lightens headaches, relieves muscle spasms, strengthens the back and nerves.
It promotes the absorption of minerals and regulates the body
fluid flow. Enhances the focus of attention.
Helps the transition between alpha and beta consciousness,
purifies the mind for meditation.

Szagenite /rutiltűs kö/

Felirat hozzáadása
Sagenite, also known as Venus Hair Stone, is a needle-like rutile
quartz stone containing crystals.
It can be colored in red, black, bronze, yellow with brake light.
It has a curative effect on chronic diseases, impotence, infertility. It helps the exhausted human body, stimulates the cells
growth, wound healing.Images depression.