Therapeutic effect: as chalcedony acts mainly on the throat chakra, it is usually used in diseases and disorders of this region. It affects respiratory diseases such as sore throat, acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat, laryngitis, thyroid and its diseases. Due to its speech-enhancing properties, it is also suitable against speech disorders and stuttering. Due to its effect of removing blockages in the area of the throat, the stone is nicknamed "the stone of the orators." Chalcedony is also a good remedy for the eye, it is also used for various eye problems and glaucoma. It also has other uses, such as acting on the glands. It improves milk production in breastfeeding mothers, but is also used to cure breast inflammation. Its use is recommended for all disorders of the hormone-producing glands. It regulates hormonal cycles. Due to its effect on endocrine glands and metabolism, it is also recommended for diabetics as it regulates blood sugar levels. By using it, we can stop the bleeding of wounds faster and also speed up their healing. It helps to overcome travel sickness and frontal sensitivity, relieves nausea affects lymph flow. It is also used against bedwetting and epilepsy.
Chalcedony is also suitable for dieting: it relieves hunger, inhibits nutrient intake, dissolves edema, regulates body fluids and helps the body excrete toxins. It helps to distance oneself from mental strains, soothes, relaxes, eliminates internal restlessness, increases workload. It not only breaks down aggression, but also makes it easier to deal with the aggression of others, and even makes us aware of our own, often repressed aggression. It also harmonizes and calms tempers. It helps to process spiritual traumas, restores our self-confidence and sense of vitality.
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